Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nowadays, the mass media do not report the news; they make the news. Discuss this with references to recent events.

Yes, I fully agree that the mass media nowadays do not always report the news in an objective tone, but instead makes the news out with some fictitious content such that to attract readers and generate revenue in this materialistic.

An example would be the recent passing on of the richest woman in Asia, Nina Wang. News reported that she passed away leaving behind $4.2billion inheritance to her personal fortune teller, Tony Chan Chun Chuen. This was then continued by several days of speculating the relationship between Madam Nina Wang and Mr Tony Chan Chun Chuen. Why is all this unnecessary speculation happening? Why are the reporters not letting her pass on with a good name, and instead accuses of having an affair with Mr Chan? The most obvious reason would be because the readers like these gossipy news. In this way, readership would definitely move up the revenue chart, and more revenue will be generated.

Another example of the media making news is the coverage on the debate on Ministerial Pay rise. The debate raged on over several weeks and despite MM Lee made the point during the parliamentary meetings that Singapore is a very small country, and thus we require an elite and effective government that can bring us to greater achievements. It is in view of this that the ministers pay must be raised to meet the current benchmark of the working world as if the ministers’ pays are to little, a brain drain situation, where talents will choose to move to private sectors due to high pays, will occur. The end result: Singapore will sink into oblivion. Many people had sent in their views to the forum of The Straits Times. This has help them meet their expectations; By choosing to report this news over other more trivial news, such as the banning of the film about ex-political detainee (on The Straits Times on 11th April 2007), more readership and revenue have been generated.

The points I stated above are just a tip of the iceberg on how the mass media works but the undeniable fact is that making or reporting of news all comes down to one point: the news that will attract the attention of the readers and generate more revenue will get a lot of coverage by the mass media.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"Youtube has no ethics, its been created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money." Do you agree?

I do not agree to the claim stated in the question that Youtube is unethical and created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money. As people said, the Internet is a medium of free speech. Thus the ethicality of the website comes directly from the users. The undeniable fact is with more freedom, comes more responsibilities. However, with the recently uploading of the video, which features the graffiti over the king’s face, show how users of the website do not fully understand their responsibilities. Besides, I feel that with the growing stress level in the current economy, the setting up of Youtube not merely as a money tree and entertainment hub, but it is also to provide people with an alternative to express themselves and relieve themselves of the pressure they feel on their shoulders.

In my point of view, I believe that everyone has different cultures and traditions. Although some of us may find it hard to tolerate these cultures and traditions, everyone has rights to believe in the things they want. In this sense, mutual tolerance and respect for each other’s beliefs should be present and that no one has the right to comment on each other’s beliefs.

As common knowledge tells us, to the Thais’, their king is similar to their god. The Thai population worships their king and would not tolerate any sort of disrespect shown to their leader. I remember the last time I went to Thailand, one of my friends jokingly told me that when I am there, I must be alert and look at the floor as I walk, lest I step on their currency notes and have the Thai’s mob me due to stepping on the king’s face on the dollar note. On the surface, it was a joke. However, upon looking deeper into it, one can realize that is the intensity of the admirable respect and loyalty they have for their king, especially in this materialistic world, where most of the existing population are only self-concerning.

People ask, “Is Youtube a medium created merely to generate money and entertainment?” My answer would definitely be a no. Probably I am generalizing, but if it was purely for income and entertainment, would the funeral and life of the late Steve Irwin be featured on it? Is this unforgettable tragedy a source of entertainment? Not forgetting that it was the wife of Steve Darwin who volunteered and suggested that the video be broadcasted, would it still be considered a gimmick to earn income by placing it on Youtube? I believe by just this simple example, somewhere in our hearts we have found the answers to both the questions.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

‘The teenage years are the best years of one’s life.’ Would you agree with this view?

In one point of view, whether the teenage years are the best years in one's life is relative and people would have different opinions based on their experiences in the period of time. However on hindsight, as it is the period of time that lets us experience more and opens our eyes to the outside world. To some, negative experiences such as loss of loved ones, constant betrayal by friends or years of solitude, may lead to them having the worst, most miserable years of their lives. For others, friends may flock and form a band of friendship around us, as if an invisible shield that protects us from the evils of the world. Nonetheless, I feel that teenage years are the best years of our lives.

Just as the saying goes, “silver lining on the dark clouds”, some of us may face heartbreaking events like separation of friends or loss of family members, but it is also in these years that we can grow up in terms of our mental fortitude. Coming together and parting with one another is part and parcel of life. Separations may make us miserable and depressed, but it is through these ups-and-downs that our true grit is put through the test and honed. Besides, it is through these experiences that help us mature in our thinking and read things or situations in depth and be aware of the situations. In this way we would know what to do in order to reply in an appropriate manner. It is also only in these difficult times can we see the identities of our true friends.

In these sense, crowded by friends, surrounded by friendship, experienced enlightenment, helping us grow and mature into good and critical thinking individuals. Under such circumstances, none of us should be growing up in solitude, growing up in depression as long as one does not shut himself out from the world and takes the world in an optimistic light.
