Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"Youtube has no ethics, its been created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money." Do you agree?

I do not agree to the claim stated in the question that Youtube is unethical and created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money. As people said, the Internet is a medium of free speech. Thus the ethicality of the website comes directly from the users. The undeniable fact is with more freedom, comes more responsibilities. However, with the recently uploading of the video, which features the graffiti over the king’s face, show how users of the website do not fully understand their responsibilities. Besides, I feel that with the growing stress level in the current economy, the setting up of Youtube not merely as a money tree and entertainment hub, but it is also to provide people with an alternative to express themselves and relieve themselves of the pressure they feel on their shoulders.

In my point of view, I believe that everyone has different cultures and traditions. Although some of us may find it hard to tolerate these cultures and traditions, everyone has rights to believe in the things they want. In this sense, mutual tolerance and respect for each other’s beliefs should be present and that no one has the right to comment on each other’s beliefs.

As common knowledge tells us, to the Thais’, their king is similar to their god. The Thai population worships their king and would not tolerate any sort of disrespect shown to their leader. I remember the last time I went to Thailand, one of my friends jokingly told me that when I am there, I must be alert and look at the floor as I walk, lest I step on their currency notes and have the Thai’s mob me due to stepping on the king’s face on the dollar note. On the surface, it was a joke. However, upon looking deeper into it, one can realize that is the intensity of the admirable respect and loyalty they have for their king, especially in this materialistic world, where most of the existing population are only self-concerning.

People ask, “Is Youtube a medium created merely to generate money and entertainment?” My answer would definitely be a no. Probably I am generalizing, but if it was purely for income and entertainment, would the funeral and life of the late Steve Irwin be featured on it? Is this unforgettable tragedy a source of entertainment? Not forgetting that it was the wife of Steve Darwin who volunteered and suggested that the video be broadcasted, would it still be considered a gimmick to earn income by placing it on Youtube? I believe by just this simple example, somewhere in our hearts we have found the answers to both the questions.


At April 14, 2007 at 4:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well,i certainly feel that Youtube is an excellent avenue for all aged groups to access useful information and updates, and of course, a place for creative thinkings to run wild!

At May 3, 2007 at 9:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve Irwin or Charles Darwin?

At May 4, 2007 at 7:03 PM , Blogger BooWooB said...

Sorry for the mistake, its Steve Irwin. Thanks for pointing that out to me:)


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